Dr Jeremy Parry
Anatomical pathologist & cytopathologist
Anatomical pathology

Consultant at Box Hill Hospital (Eastern Health, Victoria): 2006-2008

Royal Perth Hospital (PathWest, Perth WA): 2008-2016

Fiona Stanley Hospital (PathWest, Perth WA): 2016-2019

Dr Parry’s main area of research is in Digital Pathology. He is Coordinating Principal Investigator (CPI) on two digital pathology projects; one funded by a Research Translational Grant (2018) involving Murdoch University and PathWest (Fiona Stanley Hospital) and one funded by Spinnaker 2020 involving Murdoch University, the CSIRO (Floreat branch) and PathWest (Fiona Stanley Hospital). Both projects are investigating deep learning algorithms for analysis of lymph nodes, with emphasis on novel approaches including use of video formats.