Breath Testing - Breath Hydrogen Test
The Breath Hydrogen Test measures hydrogen levels in the breath to diagnose conditions like lactose intolerance or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) by analyzing how the body digests certain sugars.

Your doctor has requested a Breath Hydrogen test. This test involves the collection and analysis of exhaled air.

Home collect or book appointment through Gastrolab. Gastrolab now located at Mt Pleasant ACC, Unit 6 16 Queens Rd. Patient can either visit Gastrolab for sample collection or can be ordered from home by ordering collection kit from (under 'Specialty Services' and 'Gut Diagnostic Services' tab). Patient MUST ring Gastrolab (03) 9244 0330 to make booking and for further information. (Phone 8.30am – 5:00pm AEST, Monday to Friday - VIC based). If email preferred:   NOTE: Link to buy this test kit is also found under Patients – IBS kits

On the night before the test:

  • You must not have any food or fluid other than water for a fasting period of 8 hours prior to the test and until the test is completed
  • You may drink water during the fasting period
  • Record details of food consumed that evening prior to fasting, i.e. time of and approximate size of meal
  • Record any current and recent medication.

On the morning of the test:

  • Bring your list of medications and diet details with you
  • Do not physically exert yourself prior to or during the test, including brisk walking to the clinic
  • Avoid smoking for an hour prior to and during the test. If this is not possible please inform the clinic staff
  • The test will take approximately 3.5 to 5 hours depending on the sugar requested by your doctor. You will be required to remain at the clinic during the entire procedure.
Breath Testing - Breath Hydrogen Test
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Find a collection centre near you that offers breath hydrogen test, or alternatively call 08 9317 0999.
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