Faecal Occult Blood Collection
Faecal Occult Blood Collection is a test that checks for hidden (occult) blood in the stool, which may indicate gastrointestinal issues such as colorectal cancer or bleeding ulcers.

DO NOT collect faecal sample during menstrual cycle or if bleeding hemorrhoids present.

Collection instructions

  1. Place a clean holder/container in the toilet bowl to catch faeces.
  2. Once you have your faeces sample, open the brown cap on the jar provided.
  3. Using the scoop attached to the cap transfer a peach stone size sample into the jar.
  4. Put the cap back onto the jar making sure the cap is tightly closed.
  5. Ensure jar is labelled with: • Full Name • Date of Birth • Date & Time of Collection.
  6. Keep sample at room temperature.
  7. Repeat this procedure for multiple faecal occult blood tests on 3 separate consecutive days. Please use a fresh jar for each sample.
  8. Return to doctor’s surgery or Western Diagnostic Pathology Collection Centre.

PLEASE NOTE: If your request includes faeces test(s) other than for Occult Blood, a faeces specimen must be submitted in a separate provided container.

Faecal Occult Blood Collection
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