Faecal Occult Blood Collection

Your doctor has requested you undergo one of the following tests: Comprehensive BRCA1 and BRCA2, BRaOVO, or Cancer Risk Panel.
As you do not fit the MBS criteria an out-of-pocket fee applies which must be pre-paid before testing can occur.

How to pre-pay for your testing
  • Call Genomic Diagnostics on 1800 822 999 to pre-pay for your test.
  • Tell the operator which test your doctor has requested (ticked above and/or listed on your request form).
  • The operator will confirm the out-of-pocket amount and take your credit card details.
  • You will be given a receipt number, please make a note of this somewhere in the bottom ‘Patient’ section of your request form.

Once your payment has been taken you can visit any Western Diagnostic Pathology Collection Centre with your request form for specimen collection. No appointment is necessary.

Faecal Occult Blood Collection