It is extremely important for an accurate result that you endeavour to follow these instructions to the best of your ability.
Prior to collection you MUST contact your nearest Western Diagnostic Pathology collection centre to arrange the best time and place to deliver the specimen.
The specimen must reach a Western Diagnostic Pathology collection centre as soon after the collection as possible (no longer than one hour).
Fees: Please note that there is an out-of-pocket fee for fertility analysis and for post vasectomy analysis.
- Obtain a sterile labelled plastic seminal fluid collection container from a Western Diagnostic Pathology collection centre. No other container will suffice
- The specimen must be collected between three and seven days after the last ejaculation (including sexual intercourse, masturbation or ‘night loss’). Record the number of days since the last ejaculation in the space provided on the specimen container label
- Empty your bladder, then wash your hands and penis before collection
- Collect the specimen by masturbation, ejaculating directly into the container provided. Under no circumstances use condoms or lubricants of any sort
- Intercourse followed by early withdrawal is preferably not used as this results in contamination with female cells and often loss of the richest part of the semen specimen, leading to an inaccurate result
- Screw the lid of the jar on tightly and complete all the details on the label
- Keep the specimen at body temperature (in your pocket close to your body)
- Do not refrigerate or allow the specimen temperature to rise above body temperature.